Thursday, October 10, 2013

Good News and A Nice Cup of Tea

Normally, good news is heralded by the sound of a cork popping, and an image of champagne gushing forth, but I don't really like the stuff (I know, I know) so I'm happy to make do with a nice cup of tea instead.

The thrilling news is that I've been offered a 3- (e)book deal by award-winning publishers Constable Robinson, who I hold in very high esteem as - apart from being generally lovely - they published one of my favourite books this year, the wonderful  Lost and Found by Tom Winter.

They clearly have very good taste in authors.  Ahem.

I'm due to have lunch with my editor and agent in the near future (never thought I'd be saying those words out loud - not that I am... well, only every time I speak to someone) and no doubt I'll find out more about how things are due to unfold, but I believe there is lots of excitement being lined up.  Oh yes.  And I'm more than ready for it.

I can't wait to see a cover for my second novel - though I can't imagine being any more thrilled than as I was when I saw the one for MY FUTURE HUSBAND (plug, plug, if you haven't read it, why not? etc.)  The book's done very well and, to my astonishment, has had almost sixty good reviews on Amazon - and I promise that only fifty-eight of them are friends and family.

All in all I'm starting to wonder if it might be okay to tell people - quietly, of course - that I'm a writer, without blushing and feeling like a fraud?  No?  Oh, okay then.

In other news... winter appears to have arrived in the form of an icy-fingered wind and darkening evenings, the dog has developed an unsightly rash on her tummy, I'm once again hooked on Strictly Come Dancing, and have finally discovered the joys of Breaking Bad - surely one of the best TV dramas ever made (along with Mad Men and Lost - apart from the final episode.)

I came to BB late, but am already on season four, and tell myself the reason I'm watching back-to-back episodes with wild, blood-shot eyes is for research - for the writing, the story-lines, the structure etc. - but in reality (whatever that is) I've developed the most undignified crush on the main character, Walter White.

It's odd, because when he was the dad in Malcolm in the Middle he wasn't attractive at all, in the same way Hugh Laurie wasn't remotely fanciable when he was English, but in House (another favourite; I clearly need to get out more) I couldn't get enough of him.

*Stops typing to have a hot flush.*

Oh dear, I appear to have digressed.  And my celebratory cup of tea's gone cold.

Time to put the kettle on and watch another episode or five.


CL Taylor said...

Such wonderful news, Karen. I couldn't be happier for you. And it's great news about your book deal too (see what I did there? Welcome to Breaking Bad OBSESSION! ;) )

Karen said...

That made me laugh, Cally :o) I'm truly obsessed!

Kath McGurl said...

Great news about the book deal - and of course you're a writer and always have been!

Breaking Bad - everyone's going on about it but I am resisting. There is not enough time for great long TV dramas. Apart from Homeland of course.

Wendy's Writing said...

I'm so pleased for you Karen - that's such good news.

Rebecca Alexander said...

Such brilliant news! Congratulations - on being a writer of course! What else were you when you were...oh yes, WRITING? Maybe I should try Breaking Bad?

Colette McCormick said...

Congratulations on the book deal and to be honest you can't beat a nice cup of tea.

Amanda said...

Such fantastic news, Karen :-) X

Teresa Ashby said...

I am so happy for you, Karen. You so deserve this :-)

I've never seen BB but from everything I've heard I think I MUST! :-) x

Cara Cooper said...

Well done, fabulous news. Tea does it for me too!!! Might buy BB for xmas viewing if it's on DVD

Sue Blackburn said...

Such fantastic news Karen and SO deserved. Well done you.

Er - yes - definitely a writer and always have been. Talent will out!

Can't wait to read your novels - I loved My Future Husband :o) xx

Karen said...

Womagwriter, how could I have forgotten about Homeland - love that too!

Thank you so much, Wendy :o)

That you, Rebecca. Maybe you shouldn't try Breaking Bad, it's far too addictive :o)

I agree Colette - especially with a slice of cake!

Thanks, Amanda :o) X

Thank you, Teresa - be warned if you do watch Breaking Bad, it's full-on gory in places!

Glad I'm not the only one who celebrates with tea, Cara. Can't beat a cup of the brown stuff!

Thank you so much, Sue, and I'm glad you enjoyed MFH :o)

Jill Steeples said...

Congratulations on your three book deal, that's so exciting!

I've resisted watching Breaking Bad so far, although DS gives me a blow-by-blow account after each episode so I feel as though I've been watching it!

Karen said...

Thanks, Jill :o)
I've been desperately trying not to read any spoilers about the final, as I've still got a way to go!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

What fabulous news, Karen - huge congratulations! I've never seen B Bad, although I love Strictly.

Chris Stovell said...

Tea, lovely, I'll raise my cup and celebrate with you. Wonderful news, congratulations. I've just ordered BB1 from LoveFilm... does this mean I'll get addicted to?!

Karen said...

Thank you, Rosemary :o) I must say that Strictly and Breaking Bad couldn't be further apart in terms of content!

Thanks, Chris - and yes, I think you have to prepare for upcoming BB addiction!

Though having said that, I remember trying The Wire when everyone was raving about that, and I couldn't get into at all.

Rena George said...

It's wonderful to hear about success like yours, Karen. You must be over the moon. Rx

Karen said...

Thank you, Rena - I'm still pinching myself :o)

Deborah Carr said...

Fantastic news, Karen! I'm so thrilled for you!

I've watched 10 episodes of Breaking Bad today... now I need to get on with the things I was supposed to be doing. I can completely understand your addiction! x

Karen said...

Thank you, Debs :o)

Breaking Bad is SO good, isn't it? I'm already wondering how I'm going to cope when I've watched it all!

Guernsey Girl said...

Great news, Karen - you really do deserve it :) Marilyn x

Karen said...

Thank you, Marilyn :o)

Jean said...

I've arrived at the party late, but just want to say Well Done Karen! Great news!

Karen said...

Thank you so much, Jean :o)

Cait O'Connor said...

Congratulations Karen, I am so pleased for you.

Ladybird World Mother said...

How LOVELY that you can now say officially and all that jazz, that you ARE a writer. SO exciting. And I shall buy your book(s !!)... congratulations. Now have that cup of tea!

Anna May said...

I am late to the party here,Karen as I was locked out of your blog for a while but CONGRATULATIONS!
You are defintely a writer, I knew that after the first chapter of My Future Husband.

Anna May x

Karen said...

Anna that's lovely coming from you, thank you so much :o)