I'm staying at someone else's house this weekend, looking after their children while they take a much needed break.
After unexpectedly finishing the book I brought with me soon after the littlies fell asleep, I started casting around for something to read when I go to bed. (I said "casting around." That's NOT the same thing as snooping at all.) Then it hit me. The thing that's niggled at me before when I've visited.
There's not a SINGLE book in this house. Not ONE.
Is it me, or does a house feel it's missing something without a well-thumbed paperback or two lying around?
It's not all bad news though. I brought my notebook with me, so I'm going to work on the Novel instead.
Don't all faint at once.
Missing something? - Hell I'd go into meltdown if I didin't have books around me. Kat
wow, that is weird!!!
hmmm... not even one?
hope the writing went well!
When my children were little, you were exactly the kind fo friend I wanted! That's so lovely of you to give them a break.
And the lack of books - how do these people survive? I can't stand waiting for a train for five minutes without a book in my hand.
They are your friends so I won't judge but just so you know....I physically gasped! :)
Blimey, there are odd people in the world. There's probably a story in there somewhere. Maybe one of them had a nasty incident with the Complete Works of Shakespeare as a childhood and is now bibliophobic (is that a word or did I just make it up.? I'm rather impressed if I did!).
Or maybe the little people ate them, with a nice chianti and some alfalfa beans...
Huh. Spoiled it somewhat with a typo. Typical.
COMPLETELY WORRYING. completely. love booksbooksbooks everywhere. xbisx janelle
heh heh heh heh!!! LOVE your blog...been snorting out loud with laughter....i am so happy i have found your blog! what a way to save a sunday...THANKS! x janelle
No books? No, I don't get it I'm afraid ...
Were there any children's books? I can't imagine a life without books. Well, you know what to give them for Christmas!
Hey, just thought. Maybe they've got lots of ebooks and one of those amazon book reader jobbies. Have you snooped, oops I mean cast around in their study yet?
What! No books!! Wow!
Ive seen Wendy Lawson speak too, shes excellent. So glad your friend has been able to get some respite. Its so maddening that we have to fight for everything.
I dont know if I've ever been in a house with absolutely no books at all in it, how strange that must be.
katw - Me too! I'd think I'd entered a parallel universe...
anna - I did actually find a Danielle Steel in the bathroom! I did get some writing done though :o)
honeysuckle - I always take a book with me, wherever I go - I don't feel dressed otherwise!
kerry - It's fairly shocking, but I suppose it takes all sorts!
tam - Lol! There was a cookbook in a kitchen drawer (I was looking for some scissors okay, NOT snooping!) so I guess that counts :o)
janelle - Welcome, and thank you :o) I'm probably the other way in that I've got TOO MANY books lining the skirting boards!
helenmh - Yes, I had to rub my eyes a couple of times!
womagwriter - I didn't see any children's books either! Not that I looked EVERYWHERE, you understand...
casdok - I know!
Yes, my friend reached breaking point this year so something had to be done :o)
debs - Me neither, until now! Maybe they've found something more exciting to do ;o)
Noo! That's just freaky.
Hope you got loads of writing done though!:-)
What? NO books? Not a one? Maybe they only have Anne Frank books and hide them in the attic?
Seriously, I cant imagine a house without a single book. There's an explanation, there must be. Perhaps they dry clean their books? Or loan them to friends for the holidays? Hide them under their bed? The back of a cupboard? I'm trying....Still they are lucky to have you as a friend and you may yet thank them after al that work you did on the novel with your notebook to hand?????
By the way, do you mind if I put a link to your blog on mine? F
lane - V. freaky! I did get a surprising amount of writing done in the end. Hurrah!
fionnuala - They're just not big readers and equally can't understand my love of books! I did check the cupboard under the stairs, just in case.
Of COURSE you can add a link, I'm flattered you'd want to. I'll do the same :o)
I guess there are two kinds of people in the world - those of us to whom books are almost as essential as breathing, and those who don't know what they're missing. But great that you get time to work on the novel, eh?
"Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard ..." Maybe it was just meant to be, as you had no choice but to Get On With It. Hope the words came think and fast... Tommox
alis - Yes, there's always an up side :o)
tommo - The words came fast and were probably thick as well!
A book free zone...pretty weird indeed or maybe we have an Orwellian snapshot of an electronic future where all books are electronic, not paper!TERRIFYING!
Agreed--a room without books is an empty room no matter how finely dressed it may be.
By the way, just noticed new photo of Molly Dog. Very fetching--how many milkbones did it take to get her to pose with THAT magazine?
How very weird indeedy!
Hope you got lots of writing done though!
Hey, but I bet their house is tidy! I think books give a home that nicely lived-in look.
And all the magazines, papers, comics....
Yeah, my house is a tip.
That is strange, I have a friend who doesn't have any books either and it freaks me out. I actually bought him some books for his birthday last year...
I wonder if they've got a book phobia? I'm the complete opposite, I think I'd be almost scared to be in a house with no books.
Love your blog, Karen. I'm enjoying so many since I found Womag's.
How about a cheque book? Did you find one of those while you were casting-not-snooping? The stubs give it away... blackmailer, paid-for lover... honestly, the things people claim expenses for...
mickmouse - Ooh, that is a terrifying thought. Reading an electronic book in the bath just wouldn't be the same. Not to mention the safety implications!
faye - Molly must the only dog I know who doesn't like bones - she just goes and buries them :o) Found her lying on the magazine recently - must stop filing them on the floor!
annie bright - I did get quite a bit of writing done...the children were very obliging with their good behaviour and sleeping habits!
maddie - Their house is tidy. I must admit our messy bookshelves do make the place look a tip!
yvonne - I've thought about purchasing books as gifts, but worry it might seem patronising! They don't 'get' people who read a lot :o)
patp - Welcome and thanks! I must admit I keep trying to whittle down some of our books and give them away, but can't bring myself to do it :o)
sprialskies - You sound like you speak from experience (strokes chin thoughtfully). You might have to pay a handsome sum to a certain Mr Chegwin quite soon, as a sweetner perhaps? I still haven't stopped chuckling...
I've been to a house like that, too...they had loads of shelves of videos, but no books!
I have friends who have no music in their house - no CDs or cassettes...nothing. They have a music system but it's never plugged in. I find that really strange too.
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