Wednesday, February 5, 2025

That time again...


 It's been a while - Christmas seems aeons ago - but I finally have a new book out. The Mother's Secret has been described by one kind reader as '...a very addictive twisty story that makes you want to keep reading' and another wrote, 'Read this book in two sittings just couldn't put it down full of twists and turns and really couldn't work out how it would end. Lots of other lovely reviews too, including one in That's Life! magazine. 

I've also heard that my book is going to to published in Spain, which will be my first foreign translation, so very happy about that. Not until next May though, so I'll put it to the back of my mind for now!

In the meantime, I seem to have stalled on thinking of an idea for a new book, but I'll keep trying. It's the longest time I've gone without writing, but hopefully a break might help.

The evenings are getting longer and there are some signs of spring in the air. I'm looking forward to warmer days and more sunshine - and hopefully, more writing.

Hope all is well with you x